Lake Perkolilli
by admin · June 17, 2018

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Anot well known (except to locals like me) camping site about an hours drive from Kalgoorlie, Lake Perkolilli is a dry, brown lake that on first view has little going for it (from a nightscape perspective). The lake is relatively featureless, as small shrubs growing through portions of the lake, and is typically criss-crossed with car and bike tracks from previous visitors. A husk of a car and the odd tree are the only things that break up the plain of this lake.
From an astrophotography perspective (i.e. just shooting the night sky), the skies a reasonably dark in most directions except north and west. A nearby mine site prevents the lake from having truly dark skies.
Lake Perkolilli is a nice place to camp - photography would be secondary here.
Summary Info
RATING: Average
ACCESS: 2wd, but lengthy good dirt track.
FEATURES: Dried brown dirt lake views
CONSTRAINTS: Minimal other nightscape views, good for telescope astronomy though with some light pollution north and west.
SUMMARY: There are multiple places to camp under secluded trees. Kangaroos abound. Suits telescope astronomy rather than nightscapes as the lake is relatively featureless.
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