Moon Practice
by admin · November 11, 2019

The last time I had my telescope out doing deep sky stuff was in June! (excluding one unsuccessful imaging session). Fate, chance, and weather have been against me. And October / November doesn't appear to be any different. So in the end I decided to take some shots of the moon, since of course the skies here in Perth are clear when the moon is up and bright.
Normally I would avoid taking the moon at 50%, as I usually like a "curve" in the shadown to accentuate the spherical nature of the moon. However, this shot will have to do - I rotated it on its "side" just to give a different perspective.
This image is a stack of 94 shots, stacked in AutoStakkert and finished off in Photoshop.
| IMG_5776 | 2019-11-05 | Perth, Western Australia | Canon EOS6D standard | Skywatcher Esprit 120ED Refractor | ISO200 | 1 x panel | 94 x 1/250s | NEQ6 Mount |
The full moon from tonight, with some heavy saturation to bring out a little "colour". Not really sure I like it - I prefer the more subtle pale hues that come with a light touch. But hey, its the moon, you have to have some fun...
This image is a stack of 99 shots, stacked in AutoStakkert and finished off in Photoshop.
| IMG_5777 | 2019-11-11 | Perth, Western Australia | Canon EOS6D standard | Skywatcher Esprit 120ED Refractor | ISO200 | 1 x panel | 99 x 1/250s | NEQ6 Mount |