Latest Posts Nightscape Calendar 2025 Tips / Tricks / Tutorials Well, another year is almost done. The year 2024 was a mix of highs (winning the Skywatcher Astrophotographer of the Aus Astrophotographer of the Year Achievement I am deeply honoured to have been awarded Australia's Astrophotographer of the Year by Skywatcher Australia for 2024. This is The Tarantula's Web Deep Sky Astrophotography Nestled in its lair in the Large Magellanic Clouds, the massive Tarantula Nebula spreads out its faint webs to catch Supernova Reflections Nightscape A beautiful night at Lake Campion, Western Australia where there was a thin film of water to reflect the night The Triplet Deep Sky Astrophotography Three spiral galaxies, M65, M66 and NGC3628 dance together amongst the stars. Galaxies are not my usual targets but as The Coiling Dragon Deep Sky Astrophotography Messier 78 writhes in Orion's nebula, coiling restlessly like an asian dragon within a heaven of smoke and glimpses of The Burning Flower Deep Sky Astrophotography With a bit of imagination, this image of the center of the Carina nebula appears like a flower surrounded in Something Stalks Distant Rigel Deep Sky Astrophotography The Witch Head Nebula appears as a ghostly appartition silently drifting past the blue supergiant star Rigel, bathing in its Orion and his Horse Widefield Astrophotography A small mosaic (two panels) showing some horse looking thing and another bright blue nebula that no one can recognise.../humour Stella Tempest Widefield Astrophotography Usually images of this region of the Orion contellation focus mostly on the Horsehead and Flame Nebula as these are Nightscape Calendar 2024 Tips / Tricks / Tutorials Well, for me 2022 and 2023 has been very desolate with regards to my astrophotography. I hardly managed to get Mist of Pleiades (redux) Deep Sky Astrophotography Re-learning some old processing skills that have faded over the past year of relative inaction, I've re-processed my previous wide-field Magellan Tempest Deep Sky Astrophotography There has been recent furore regarding the naming of the Magellanic Clouds (despite his early writings on the galaxies, Magellan Mists of Pleiades Deep Sky Astrophotography The bright stars of Pleiades shine through the mist like dust that drifts within the intersellar emptiness, their pale blue GWN7 News Achievement I was fortunate that my Astrofest win and Eclipse photo was the subject of a short TV news feature presented Interview: ABC Radio Interview Achievement I was delighted to be interviewed by ABC radio's Eddie Williams regarding my recent win in the Astrofest 2023 astrophotography Astrofest 2023 Winner Achievement I am honoured to have my image of the 2023 total eclipse in Exmouth chosen as the Best Astro photo Eclipse 2023 Project Results Here are the images of the eclipse through my telescope. Read further down for details on my expedition to Nightscape Calendar 2023 Nightscape, Tips / Tricks / Tutorials Well, for me 2022 has been very desolate with regards to my astrophotography. I hardly managed to get out at Stirling Range National Park Location, Nightscape Location Details Scroll to bottom of page for images and posts tirling Range National Park contains a fantastic mountain range The Burning Range Nightscape In the distance, the Stirling Range National Park in Western Australia lies under the Milky Way cores as it slowly 1 2 3 … 7 Next ยป Post Views: 133,553