Dunes (near Wedge Point)
by admin · June 11, 2018

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These dunes are quite extensive and are wide east / west as well as north / south (so by walking a bit toward the centre you can get views of dunes almost all the way to the horizon). As these dunes seem to always shift, the couple times I have been there I've had to search around to find compositions that I liked. Unfortunately, on the the two occasions I've been out there, the first time was when I was pretty green and my photos were terrible, and the other was an aborted attempt (equipment problems). However, the skies are dark and the landscape beautiful in its solitude and sand. I highly recommend it.
There are some difficulties with this spot. To reach it you must head off the Indian Ocean drive on a narrow sandy trail (refer google maps link in this article). This trail leads to the armed forces training range (whatever you do, don't go in). Its well sign posted and you pretty much have to jump the fence that has signs every 20m or so - so you are unlikely to accidentally stumble into the area.
If you continue on the sandy trail along the fence line you will get to the east side of the dunes near Wedge Point. There you have to park the 4wd and make your way on foot. Be warned, its a hard slog through the dunes to get to the good areas - especially carrying heavy camera gear.
But its worth it...
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Landscape (dunes)
ACCESS: 4wd access only, narrow sandy and rocky trail.
FEATURES: Dunes in all directions.
CONSTRAINTS: Hard slog through sand dunes. Don't go when windy, or your camera equipment will regret it.
SUMMARY: Fantastic dune views at night and guaranteed you'll be the only one out there, but some effort to walk to the really good spots in the middle of the dune ocean.
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