Cave Point Lighthouse
by admin · June 11, 2018

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This lighthouse almost has it all. Cave Point Lighthouse is no longer in use and has been decommissioned. However, whilst it no longer sends beacons of light out as a warning to all ships, it has been replaced by a dimmer light (for aesthetics?). This is great for long exposures, as you don't have a bright light saturating your nightscape images. I have noted that this light is on some nights, but at other times the tower is entirely dark.
Located near Albany, the skies are dark and the landscape wonderful. You can walk up close to the lighthouse for nice wide-angle shots, or you can position yourself further away and take shots looking southward to take in the lighthouse and the surrounding landscape. The landscape around the lighthouse is short height dark green vegetation (which comes out pretty dark in night photos). Its a bit more difficult to get the lighthouse and a clear shot of the sea. Its better to go further back along the road which is positioned higher up to get some shots of the lighthouse and the waters surrounding it.
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Other (lighthouse)
ACCESS: 2wd, sealed roads.
FEATURES: Lighthouse, limited sea views.
CONSTRAINTS: Only views south.
SUMMARY: The lighthouse is perfect for photography as it is no longer being used as a lighthouse but still has some lights to illuminate the top dome. Difficult to get much height to see the ocean which is the only downside. Best views are back along the road, although one can try looking west from the Blowholes and over the bay.
Google Maps
Access to the lighthouse is very easy via the gap road. It is all sealed roads. There is a small parking area where you can park up and walk to the lighthouse. There is no access inside the lighthouse.
I'm definitely coming back here to try my luck photos do not do this location justice.
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