Andromeda of the Deep
by admin · September 19, 2020

One can't mistake the wonderful M31 Andromeda galaxy - a popular target for most astrophotographers. However, from Perth, Western Australia, M31 doesn't get higher than 10 degrees above the northern horizon at this latitude which doesn't make it an appealing target (provided you can even see it - most often a fence, tree, or building is in the way). Its always been an "if I can fit it in at the end" sort of target, which means that it doesn't get the justice it deserves. Post-processing also reveals severe colour casts across the frame due to cutting through alot of atmosphere.
I didn't get anywhere near the number light frames as I wanted before clouds came over, and the end result is just a little blurry (not due to focus issues, but stacking alot of frames with minor motion blur due to the moderate gusts of wind that night - poor guiding computer had its work cut out that night).
The images was taken with a modified Canon EOS6D camera through a Skywatcher Esprit 120ED refractor telescope. Total integration time of 95 minutes. |
IMG_1431 | 2020-09-16 | Chittering, Western Australia | EOS6D modified | Skywatcher 120ED Esprit | IDAS cut-filter | ISO800 | 1 x 10s, 1x30s, 1x60s, 1x120s, 19x300s | 1 x panel | NEQ6 mount | MGENII guider |