Albany Windfarm
by admin · June 11, 2018

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Albany Windfarm is situated right on the coastline with a wonderful view out over the bay and the southern ocean. From the visitor's car park and information bay, it is a short walk on an easy walking trail around the south-eastern portion of the windfarm. You can get some nice close up photos of a single windmill, or you can choose to seek out a higher vantage point of a wider panorama shot of the windfarm and some of the bay.
I struggled over rating this one. Whilst as a nightscape its good, I just couldn't get a great shot with some light pollution from a nearby correctional facility - and just the orientation of the windfarm, the bay, and where the galaxy sets. However, I'll definitely come back and see if I can do better as I suspect this location still has possibilities and that I'm not giving it a fair go.
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Other (windfarm)
RATING: Average
ACCESS: 2wd, sealed roads. Visitors carpark and info bay.
FEATURES: Views west over bay and windfarm.
CONSTRAINTS: Don't get a great view of the bay together with windfarm. Also some light pollution from nearby correctional facility.
SUMMARY: The windfarm is great and hugs the coastline well making for a good panorama. You can get very close to each wind mill making for high shots towards zenith possible for those wanting close-up compositions.
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