Antares Rising, Serpentine Falling

by admin · February 26, 2017
Serpentine Falls lies south of the city of Perth, Western Australia. It is a narrow valley which lets in little ambient light, but my good mate had the idea of using the light on his mobile phone to light the foreground (I usually use a torch). I've never been a fan of light painting - always makes the contrast between the foreground and the sky seem a bit fake.
Anyhow, this is a great little spot with a pool surrounded by rocky valley walls, trees, and a small little water fall that typically always flows (Serpentine Dam upstream usual keeps up a bit of a flow).
This image is a mosaic of 8 panels taken through my Canon 50mm f/1.2 prime lens using a standard Canon EOS6D DSLR. All shots were at ISO3200 for 30sec each. Four were of the foreground that was on a stationary mount, and then the other four were of the sky with my iOptron mount tracking. Stitching of the shots was done using PTGui Pro, and processed in Adobe Photoshop.
Tags: 2017FallsNightscapeSerpentine
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