Author: admin

Nightscape Calendar 2025

Well, another year is almost done. The year 2024 was a mix of highs (winning the Skywatcher Astrophotographer of the Year) and some disappointment (mostly not getting much chance to get out and take...

Supernova Reflections

A beautiful night at Lake Campion, Western Australia where there was a thin film of water to reflect the night sky making for some interesting possibilities in composition. In this image the Vela supernova...

Something Stalks Distant Rigel

The Witch Head Nebula appears as a ghostly appartition silently drifting past the blue supergiant star Rigel, bathing in its cold coloured hues in contrast to the faint redish browns of the surrounding gas...

Orion and his Horse

A small mosaic (two panels) showing some horse looking thing and another bright blue nebula that no one can recognise…/humour I was planning to do a large mosaic of the entire Orion constellation region...

Stella Tempest

Usually images of this region of the Orion contellation focus mostly on the Horsehead and Flame Nebula as these are bright (relatively) and recognisable. However, these nebulae are but one part of a complex...

Mists of Pleiades

The bright stars of Pleiades shine through the mist like dust that drifts within the intersellar emptiness, their pale blue light revealing the seemingly gentle currents driven by the light of the stars themselves....

GWN7 News

I was fortunate that my Astrofest win and Eclipse photo was the subject of a short TV news feature presented on GWN 7 news on the 22nd of November 2023. Exciting!!! My few seconds...

Interview: ABC Radio Interview

I was delighted to be interviewed by ABC radio’s Eddie Williams regarding my recent win in the Astrofest 2023 astrophotography competition. It primarily focuses on my eclipse image and my experiences in Exmouth and...

Astrofest 2023 Winner

I am honoured to have my image of the 2023 total eclipse in Exmouth chosen as the Best Astro photo and the Best Eclipse photo in the West Australian annual Astrofest 2023.  This came...

Eclipse 2023

Results Here are the images of the eclipse through my telescope. Read further down for details on my expedition to the 2023 eclipse in Exmouth, Western Australia.