Stellar Australis Blog

Bay of Stars

On a dark and empty stretch of coastline stand the tall pillars of Albany windfarm, their mighty blades spinning in the night breeze. Over the sweeping bay the Milkyway galaxy slowly descends into the...

David Malin 2019 – Honorable Mention

I entered into the prestigious David Malin contest this year (well, I usually enter every year, but the best I’ve previously achieved was a high commendation). This year I managed to make it onto...

Winter at Lake Ballard

This was a long dedicated trip to Lake Ballard. One long drive, six and a half hours from Perth to Kalgoorlie, then another two and a half to Lake Ballard. I had been planning...

The Firebird

The emission nebula NGC6188 appears like a firebird in this image, swooping down with wings outstretched upon its reflection in the depths below. Located 4,000 lightyears away in the constellation Ara, this nebula is...

Carina Beyond the Dunes

A walk of 30 minutes into the dunes near Wedge Point and the landscape is wonderfully empty except for the flowing sands and the skies above. It was a hard slog, and unfortunately this...

The Southern Lighthouse

From a distance, I gazed southward to the lonely lighthouse that silently guards the southern seas and the dark night. The arm of the Milkyway stretches out from the misty green sky glow that...

Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter ascends above the dark seascape and the bare stone of Peak Head located near Albany, Western Australia. Outshining the brightest stars, Jupiter defiantly pierces a gap in the looming clouds as behind it...

Something Wicked

The Witch Head Nebula (IC2118) appears like a ghostly creature in this image, silently approaching the bright star Cursa (Beta Eridani) to the left. Its ethereal form is illuminated by the nearby supergiant Rigel...

The Jewels of Orion’s Sword

The constellation of Orion is home to some of the most spectacular and recognisable deep sky objects in the night sky. In this multi-panel mosaic taken with a modified Canon EOS6D through a Skywatcher...