Orion and his Horse
A small mosaic (two panels) showing some horse looking thing and another bright blue nebula that no one can recognise…/humour I was planning to do a large mosaic of the entire Orion constellation region...
Astrophotography of the night sky at focal lengths of common camera lenses, typical < 400mm.
A small mosaic (two panels) showing some horse looking thing and another bright blue nebula that no one can recognise…/humour I was planning to do a large mosaic of the entire Orion constellation region...
Usually images of this region of the Orion contellation focus mostly on the Horsehead and Flame Nebula as these are bright (relatively) and recognisable. However, these nebulae are but one part of a complex...
Two and a bit hours’ drive north of Perth there is a small nature reserve near Regan’s Ford with some of the darkest skies you can get (second only to the middle of the...