Flinder’s Peninsula
by admin · June 26, 2018

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Flinder's Peninsula is just made for wonderful photos, especially nightscape photos. Its east / west line suits the rising and setting of the Milkyway core, and has relatively dark skies with only light pollution from the town of Albany to the north (which usually is not the direction you'll be shooting).
From the dirt car park its about 20 minutes walk along a trail up and up to Isthmus Hill which is situated at the "base" of the peninsula. It is a scenic walk through trees and occasionally breaks out to open areas where you can view the landscape for miles before returning to corridors of trees. It is, however, steep in parts and with a heavy backpack is a fair bit of effort to walk up.
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Seascape
RATING: Excellent
ACCESS: 2wd, short dirt road and parking. 15 minute steep uphill walk on clear trail.
FEATURES: Views of Peninsula.
CONSTRAINTS: Good views on Isthmus hill at base of peninsula looking east, or from other end of trail looking west.
SUMMARY: Popular hiking trail goes along the peninsula. At the base of the peninsula is Isthmus hill which provides a good view of the peninsula looking east. This hill is steep in parts and can be hard going with a heavy backpack - but worth it.
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At the top of Isthmus Hill are views east looking along the length of the peninsula. The waters of the Southern Ocean sit both north and south and easily fit in the field of view of most shots due to the peninsula being quite narrow. This makes is fairly rare and a must to capture.
At night the at the right time of year the Milkyway core rises just south of east before rising to be perfectly aligned with the length of the peninsula looking east - perfect for nightscapes. If one walks along the trail, i have seen shots looking west back towards the base of the peninsula that look just as good and would undoubtedly make great shots of the Milkyway core setting (although I have not done this - on my todo list).
There is a bit of light pollution from the town of Albany to the north across the bay. This does not have a great impact on long exposures but might affect large panoramas - but its not too bad and shouldn't stop anyone from going out there to take photos.
Whilst there are a limited number of compositions (i.e. east / west), the skies are so varied in this part of the world that I'll be coming back again and again to try and obtain the "perfect" nightscape photo.
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