Interview: ABC Radio Interview
by admin · November 20, 2023
I was delighted to be interviewed by ABC radio's Eddie Williams regarding my recent win in the Astrofest 2023 astrophotography competition. It primarily focuses on my eclipse image and my experiences in Exmouth and of the eclipse itself.
A link to listen to the interview can be found here:
A condensed summary of the interview is repeated below as written by ABC radio:
WA astrophotographer Will Vrbasso has been awarded Best Astro Photo and best photo from April's Exmouth Solar Eclipse at the Astrofest Astrophotography Exhibition, for his image of the fleeting moment of totality.
Will said it was his first experience of a total solar eclipse.
"We arrived there and parked in a massive clear area that seemed almost like from Burning Man, with all the caravaners and tents," he said.
"I was planning for it for two years and then there's a bit in making sure that you've got the equipment all ready and that it won't fail you on the day.
"You notice the temperature drop all of a sudden and everything goes very, very dark and that was a very awe-inspiring experience.
"As it reaches totality, it almost looks like a sunflower with the petals being the corona and the moon being the middle part of the flower."
Will's advice for aspiring astrophotographers? Don't go too hard too early.
"Start off with a camera and your lens that you may have, and just go out and take long exposures of the skies and experience it," he said.
"You'll actually be surprised at how much detail you can capture with just the equipment that you probably have on hand already."
Will Vrbasso spoke with Eddie Williams.