Lake Koombekine
by admin · June 11, 2018

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Well...don't go to this lake. I wanted to scout Lake Koomekine as in google maps it had an interesting "island" in the middle of it that might've been interesting (turns out it wasn't). The problem I found was that the lake is on private land - should've look more closely at google maps because its fairly clear it wasn't a nature reserve or park.
Anyhow, I scouted this lake out as part of a trip from Kalgoorlie to Perth, so thankfully it was not a wholly wasted trip.
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Lake (scouted only)
RATING: Poor (unaccessible)
ACCESS: 2wd, sealed road apart from a good dirt track at the end to near the lake, but the actual lake and Titree Island is on private land, so no access.
FEATURES: Lake views, supposedly an "island" in lake.
CONSTRAINTS: The lake is on private land, no access.
SUMMARY: From distance the lake is unexceptional, and the "island" is barely visible and just filled with short vegetation so unlikely to feature well in any compositions anyway.
Google Maps