Mist of Pleiades (redux)
by Will Vrbasso · November 28, 2023

Re-learning some old processing skills that have faded over the past year of relative inaction, I've re-processed my previous wide-field image to include some shorter length exposures to produce an HDR version. HDR has one advantage when pushing the detail, it drops the brightness of the highlights and lets you really bring out some low level data lost in the background darkness (there are other ways to do this without resorting to HDR, but this is far easier). Also, I paid a bit more attention to not over-blowing the bright areas of Pleiades.
Whilst there are many images of Pleiades out there, not too many focus on the dust in the background around Pleiades which is quite faint and hard to bring out. This image tries to show the complex flows and currents of this interstellar dust, and also I managed to differentiate some of the dust illuminated by the bright blue star cluster versus the dust in the background lit by more general yellow/brown illumination.
I hope you enjoy this more unique image of Messier 45.
| 2023-11-17 | Regan's Ford, Western Australia | ASI2600MC | William Optics Redcat 51 | f/4.9 | UV/IR cut-filter | Gain 100 | 5x30s, 5x60s, 5x120s, 5x240s, 60x480s | 1 x panel | Skywatcher EQ5 mount | AsiAir Plus |
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