Nightscape Calendar 2023
by admin · December 8, 2022

Well, for me 2022 has been very desolate with regards to my astrophotography. I hardly managed to get out at all due to work, family, and trying to owner build my new house in Albany. However, I am looking forward to 2023 with the hope that I can make up for lost time and venture out once again into empty landscapes under starlight night skies.
To assist in planning for 2023, the link below is a pdf of the calendar I've created to help anyone schedule their outings (tailored only for those in Western Australia).
StellarAustralis Calendar - 2023
This calendar differs from many others as it:
- summarises the configuration of the key objects in the night sky;
- displays the configuration in a form that is easy to scan with the eye and interpret (i.e. not just a table of numbers);
- superimposes the configuration over sun rise / set times (particularly astro twilight times);
- is in a printable format so you can scribble notes down on it;
- is freely shareable - if I had a penny for every time someone asked me how I pick the nights to go out on...
Good luck and clear skies! Will.
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