Nightscape Calendar from Sep19
by admin · September 19, 2019

Well, its the season where the galaxy core is in the western skies and sets early in the mornings. This is my favourite time of year, and for many astrophotographers who enjoy doing nightscape photography.
To assist in planning for this season, the link below is a pdf of the calendar I've created to help anyone schedule their outings (tailored only for those in Western Australia).
StellarAustralis AstroCal Sep19
This calendar differs from many others as it:
- summarises the configuration of the key objects in the night sky;
- displays the configuration in a form that is easy to scan with the eye and interpret (i.e. not just a table of numbers);
- superimposes the configuration over sun rise / set times (particularly astro twilight times);
- is in a printable format so you can scribble notes down on it;
- is freely shareable - if I had a penny for every time someone asked me how I pick the nights to go out on...
Good luck and clear skies! Will.
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Awesome, thank you so much. I got Photopills but can’t make head or tail of it, hopefully your calendar will be easier to understand 🙂
Thanks Ishara! I hope you find it useful!.
Regards, Will.