Pinnacles Practice Session
by admin · January 20, 2018

My very good and inspirational friend, Peter, was keen on trying out some astrophotography so we both took a trip out to the Pinnacles for some practice. Summer is not a good time of year for learning as only the dim outer edge of the Milkyway is visible at night making the results of any images less "wow". It was quite hot and humid as well which puts a fair bit of noise into the images, especially when processing to bring up the light levels to show some detail in the darker foreground.
Before the night fell I took this panorama of distant clouds being lit up by the sunset. Its not a great shot, alot of noise in the image.
At night I spent most of my time giving instruction and supporting Peter with his nightscape imaging - but I did divert some time to doing this image of Peter posing amongst the stone monoliths under the light of the mighty Carina nebula above.