Serpentine Dam
by admin · February 26, 2017

Serpentine Dam is certainly convenient for photography as the road leading to the dam actually crosses the dam wall. This means that the entire length of the dam is accessible to the public at night, unlike other dams in the area that have gates that close outside of business hours. The lake behind the dam is nestled amongst forested hills and is quite scenic. To the east is also a tower and walkway that is out on the water, which is either a good foreground object (if you are after something different in the foreground), or a partial hindrance if you are after just the lake.
Unfortunately, that's where the good points finish. You are prohibited from leaving the road / walkway which is a bit of a problem if you are wanting to capture more view of the lake and the galaxy reflection in its water. This is because the dam wall is quite wide and the road is on the western side of the dam wall and not the east - meaning that there is about ten metres of level surface before the wall starts angling down towards the lake, obstructing a clear view of the waters closer in (critical for capturing reflections).
Adding to the issues with this location is the light pollution that is on the eastern horizon. I have heard that it is due to a new quarry, but either way the light pollution is extensive - albeit low on the horizon. This is an issue if one is after shots of the core rising above the horizon over the lake. The Milkyway must rise quite high in the sky to avoid the lights.
However, there may be good views if one leaves the dam wall and walks around the lake (although I haven't done it, nor can I confirm if it is accessible to the public).
I think this is an easy place for practising, or beginners, due to the fact that you can drive right up to the dam wall - but otherwise there are too many issues with this location for me to recommend it (unless someone turns off those damn lights on the eastern horizon...).
Summary Info
CATEGORY: Other (dam)
RATING: Average
ACCESS: 2wd, sealed roads.
FEATURES: Views of dam to the east.
CONSTRAINTS: Only shot is east from dam, but may be other directions if travel off-road. Light pollution in the easterly direction moderate, but getting worse every year.
SUMMARY: The view from the dam wall is somewhat limited by the rocks of the dam. There may be better views if one travels around the actual dam lake. Light pollution on the eastern horizon spoils most shots involing the core rising over the waters.
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