Startrails over Perkolilli

by admin · December 28, 2019
At a small, un-named lake west of the bigger Lake Perkolilli (near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia) the clouds cleared enough for me to camp out under the stars. I had the un-named lake all to myself, not suprising since there are no clear roads to get there (had to go driving through the bush in my 4x4 to reach it). And upon the dry salt lake there were fantastic compression cracks which made me switch from primarily a telescope focus to nightscape for this night.
I don't usually do star trails (I find the stars themselves more wonderful), but thought I'd do something different for a change. I used my Samyang 14mm lens - argh such horrible vignetting and colour distortion (now I know why I don't use it anymore).
| IMG_0688 | 2019-12-28 | Near Lake Perkolilli, Western Australia | EOS6D modified | Samyang 14mm f2.8 lens | @f/2.8 | no filter | ISO3200 | 30s | 498 x panels |
Tags: LakeNearPerkolilliNightscapeStartrails
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