Stirling Range National Park
by admin · May 8, 2022

Location Details
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Stirling Range National Park contains a fantastic mountain range situated under amazing dark skies. The range spans west to east and features numerous peaks and walking trails that one can hike - including the famous Bluff Knoll. Surrounding the range are glorious fields and farms which provide wonderful foregrounds to compliment the range in the distance.
Summary Info
ACCESS: 2wd, mostly sealed roads
FEATURES: Mountain range surrounded by farms and fields.
CONSTRAINTS: Views east and west of the range are limited. Most peaks require fitness to hike.
SUMMARY: This region offers many variations on a common theme of mountain range in the distance with fields in the foreground. Spectacular views can be had from the peaks, if one is fit enough to hike them.
Google Maps
""For compositions of the range itself the fields north and south of the range provide the best views. Most roads are sealed, but good dirt roads exist as well - all navigable by 2wd cars. I recommend exploring around these ranges to get the best composition that suits the time of year.
I have climbed one of the peaks and the views are indeed spectacular. However, you have to be relatively fit and mobile, especially if you are carrying a heavy pack of camera gear (I've yet to do this, but it is in my list of places to shoot from). Most peaks with hiking trails will have a place to park your car at the foot of the hill / mountain.
There is faint Telstra mobile coverage over most parts of the reserve. There is no camping allowed in the national park.