The Triad

by admin · July 13, 2018
This image of the Lagoon, Trifid and NGC6559 nebulas was taken on 11/07/2018. It was a tough night to image on, with dew condensing on the telescope early at 8pm when I was just starting, and the temperature droping very fast. Focus was a little out, and for some reason my guiding was slowly drifting despite showing perfect tracking (I suspect it was uneven contraction of the guide scope in the temperature due to uneven heating - I wrapped a hand warmer to the side of the guidescope to try and keep dew away). The results were a little disappointing, especially since two years ago I targetted the Lagoon nebula with an unmodified DSLR, spent 1/10 the integration time on it, and got a far sharper and superior result. Sigh.
Tags: ChitteringDeepSkyLagoonMessierTrifid
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